New- Star Chart For Cayman

A new feature as of June 2015 has been added - look at the bottom of this web page and there is a new Star Chart exclusively for Grand Cayman

April Newsletter 2014

Hi All

The Next Meeting is at St Pedros Castle on Thursday 3rd April at 7:30 PM
On arrival please dip your headlights and dont drive on the grass.

Remember if the weather is more than 50 percent cloudy the meeting will be cancelled. Phone me (Chris) on 925 7657

Theres a nice crossing of the International Space Station just after 7:30 PM -  these do not operate under "Cayman Time" so get there a bit earlier if you wan to see it !

Jupiter is up and the Moon too of course

Upcoming this month is a Lunar Eclipse (15th) which has an interest - (theres some interesting stories relating to Bibical prophecies on perhaps the Second Coming)  and later in the month is Earth Week, with a special meeting at the UCCI observatory on Friday 25th April

More on this later - it has promise of a big event
