The next meeting will be at Pedro’s Castle
starting at 6:30 PM on-wards
on Monday January 6 th 2014 – although I’m
back – its only just - so Richard will be in charge. Meetings are cancelled if there
is more than 50 percent cloud cover. It will be Richard making the executive
decision that night, his cell is 9254917
For us as a
Society it started as a sad year with
Nicks Funeral but we also built on last year’s
achievements’ too and finished up with a great evening boat trip into the North
Next Year
The Society is actually growing with the prospect of a new
telescope and a number of events planned already for next year. These include
the Cayman Arts Festival “Red Sky At Night” in February – a joint meeting
(sometime and somewhere) with The National Trust for viewing and to discuss the
ever growing problem of light pollution If anyone wants to help with raising
the profile of the International Campaign for Dark Skies here in Cayman please contact me. (
Ill also be advertising
the “Beginners Evening Class in Astronomy” again in early January – to be held
at the UCCI Observatory again. This will be the third time its run if we get
the numbers. . Both Bill and Richard played a key part in the previous courses
and that gives me the opportunity to say thanks for their help. Course is open
to all and there’s no math!! More on this early in Jan
Christmas and telescopes : This question is raised every year : What sort of telescope should I buy my son/daughter/husband/wife/lover/friend for Christmas? It can be a minefield as there's a lot of rubbish around in such bargain shops such as Cost-U-More and Bad-Buy. Here is a good article to read
Its a bit technical but one section sums it all up
If you're set on buying new, be prepared to spend at least $200 to $400, and even then you have to be careful to avoid junk. If this is beyond your means, your astronomical aspirations will probably be best served by buying a decent pair of binoculars and a lawn chair. Remember that whatever investment you make should be of good enough quality to serve you well for decades.
Night Sky For December Over Christmas The chart below is produced by the excellent site Much thanks to Chris Pete for allowing us to use the chart for our latitudes It shows the sky for Grand Cayman for the 15th of December at around 8:30 PM but is fine for the rest of the month at slightly earlier times . Note that that “Summer Triangle” has now gone and the Great Square of Pegasus (which was overhead on our boat trip) is now distinctly in the West. Jupiter is now high in the sky and in the constellation of the Twins (Gemini). Its worth mentioning that Venus of course is still blazing in the West just after sunset at the beginning of the month but as December progresses the planet gets closer and closer into the evening twilight . Its now showing a real crescent phase through a telescope and worth catching a glimpse if you can
All the best and hope to see you all at our meetings after Christmas.
Chris Cooke
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